Sporty's Product PIREP Videos

Scout vs. Stratus 2S - ADS-B receiver comparison

What's the difference between the Scout and Stratus 2S portable ADS-B receivers for ForeFlight? Both offer subscription-free weather and traffic, but there are major differences in features and price. We go flying with both to explain how they compare.

Stratus 2S details

Scout details



Bose A20 helicopter test

What makes the Bose A20 Headset so good? It's really comfortable and really quiet, sure. But there's more to it than that. We took it flying on a helicopter cross country recently, and found a lot of thoughtful details that make it perfect for almost any aircraft. Here's our in-flight PIREP.

Bose A20 details



Air Scan Radio unboxing

Sporty's new Air Scan Radio, with AM/FM/VHF/Bluetooth, is in stock and shipping. We opened one of the first ones up to see what it's like, and how easy it is to use.

Air Scan details



Icom A25 Radio

This new Icom radio combines the latest Bluetooth technology with a powerful Com transmitter. The menu interface and large 2.3” LCD display make the A25 simple to operate. Choose between two versions to best fit your needs, the A25N NAV/COM/GPS or A25C COM only. Here's a look at how it performs in a Cessna 172.

Icom A25N details

Icom A25C details



Flight Gear Dual USB Charger

Modern cockpits are filled with portable avionics, and keeping these portable devices charged is essential for safe operations. iPads, smartphones, tablets, GPS units, ADS-B receivers, SiriusXM Weather receivers… all need power to do their job. Now you can keep your devices fully charged with the Flight Gear Dual USB Charger. It was designed by pilots for the unique needs of the modern general aviation cockpit.

Flight Gear Dual USB Charger details



Flight Gear HP iPad Bag

The options for flight bags have never been broader, but finding the right one can be a challenge. In this Product PIREP video, we go flying with the most popular flight bag to see how it works in the cockpit. Doug and JC test out the Flight Gear HP iPad Bag in the cockpit of a Cessna 172 to see how all the pockets work.

Flight Gear HP iPad Bag details



iPad Kneeboards

Securing your iPad in the cockpit is critical for safety and efficiency while flying. In this video, we fly with four of the most iPad kneeboards on the market. How do they compare? What are the differences in size and storage features? You'll see them side-by-side in the cockpit of a Cessna 172.

iPad Kneeboard details



Garmin Connext

Garmin's Connext platform offers pilots and aircraft owners a way to connect portable and panel-mount avionics in a flexible way. Whether you want to send ADS-B weather from your transponder to your portable GPS, or control your HD video camera from the Garmin Pilot app, this system can do it.

Garmin Connext details



SXAR1 vs. Stratus 2S

Weather in the cockpit doesn't just mean ADS-B anymore. SiriusXM's SXAR1 offers satellite weather for ForeFlight on the iPad. What's the difference between this SiriusXM weather and the subscription-free weather available over ADS-B? We go flying to compare the systems and see which product is right for each type of pilot.

Stratus 2S details

SiriusXM SXAR1 details

Stratus 2S details



Lightspeed Zulu 3

We've been big fans of Zulu.2 since it came out in 2011, flying with it regularly in everything from trainers to jets to helicopters, so we were anxious to test out the newest edition from Lightspeed. We took it flying in a Cessna 172 for some side-by-side comparisons with other headsets. Overall, we were really impressed with the Zulu 3. If you've seen the Zulu.2, this headset won't look like a major change, but there are enough tweaks to make it a nice upgrade.

Lightspeed Zulu 3 details



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Posted in PIREPs