Sporty's Pilot Training Courses - year in review

We launched three all-new courses in 2019, three major course updates, and new editions of both our award-winning Learn to Fly and Instrument Rating courses. We also welcomed four Garmin avionics training courses to our platform and released dozens of updates to our Pilot Training apps.

All-new Garmin G1000 Checkout Course. Garmin's G1000 glass cockpit has changed aviation over the last 15 years, but the system itself has changed too. So this year we introduced a completely new course to help pilots transition to the G1000 (in all its varieties), with step-by-step instructions for operating both the Primary Flight Display and the Multi-function Display, plus real world scenarios to go beyond the pilot's guide. Includes over two hours of HD video, training syllabus, review quiz, reference documents, and more. Shop Now

Aviation Weather CourseAviation Weather: A Pilot's Guide. The FAA textbooks talk a lot about weather, but we've noticed that many students in our flight school never go beyond these basics. This new course focuses on real world weather flying: how to read clouds, which icing forecasts to review, why atmospheric stability matters so much, and how to use datalink weather for smarter in-flight decisions. Aviation Weather also includes fascinating segments with YouTube pilot Matt Guthmiller, where you can ride along on real trips to see how weather looks from the cockpit of his Bonanza. Shop Now

Updated Flight Review Course. Our most popular standalone course, Flight Review is a great refresher if you haven't flown in a while. It covers all the essential topics, from airspace to weather, and was significantly updated this year with the latest regulations and technology. Available on all your devices for one price, you can even earn your ground training endorsement from the course. Shop Now

Updated Instrument Proficiency Check Course. This is a great companion to our Flight Review Course, covering the IFR-specific topics to keep you current. Major updates this year include segments on glass cockpit flying, RNAV approaches, ADS-B, and flying with tablets. It's three hours of practical information for modern instrument pilots. Shop Now

New Takeoffs and Landings Course. Every pilot wants to improve their takeoffs and landings, so we relaunched this course with all-new video and graphics. We put you in the cockpit for a look at all the essential skills, from crosswind landings to no-flap landings and soft field takeoffs. Shop Now

Garmin Radar CourseGarmin avionics training. We were proud to welcome Garmin to the Sporty's Pilot Training platform this year, with four interactive courses. Topics include the new TXi retrofit glass cockpit, the fully-integrated G5000 avionics suite, and a helpful course on airborne weather radar. Pilots can log in and use these courses just like any other Sporty's course. Shop Now

Multiple Flying with ForeFlight updates. ForeFlight has become an essential part of every flight for many pilots, so staying up-to-date with the latest features is critical. We released seven updates to this course in 2019 alone, covering new features like 3D airport view, runway performance calculations, alternate airport advisor, logbook endorsements, and so much more. Shop Now

New Sporty's-ForeFlight course kits. Another result of Sporty's strong partnership with ForeFlight is this new flight training kit. Student pilots can now get it all for just $499.99, including a flight bag, E6B flight computer, logbook, Sporty's Learn to Fly Course, and even a ForeFlight subscription. Shop Now

Automatic WINGS credit. Just last month, we enhanced our FAA WINGS integration so Sporty's course users can now earn credit with one click (instead of a laborious process on the FAA's site). This is a great way to help satisfy the requirements of a flight review and potentially save money on insurance. Learn More

Sporty's Learn to Fly course2020 Learn to Fly and Instrument Rating courses. Our signature product, these complete courses have helped tens of thousands of pilots earn their Private Pilot certificate or Instrument Rating. For 2020, we've added new video segments, powerful test prep tools, Chromecast and RokuTV options, a complete FAA document library, checkride prep flashcards, and much more. Best of all, a one-time purchase includes lifetime access, so there are no subscriptions or upgrade fees. Shop Learn to Fly Course or Instrument Rating Course

Pilot Training app updates. The heart of all our courses is our Pilot Training platform, available online, as an iOS or Android app, and on Apple TV and Roku. We added dozens of new features this year, including an all-new, mobile-friendly design online, a complete document library with PDF tools to the iOS app, and powerful written test prep tools to the Android app. Learn More


Browse all our courses here 


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