This year is a milestone for the EAA Young Eagles program, and Sporty's is joining the celebration. The program was launched 30 years ago at Oshkosh 1992, and since then more than 2.2 million kids have received a free airplane ride to discover the wonder of flight. It's the most successful youth aviation program in history—but we're just getting started.
30 flights for 30 years
EAA has launched a pilot challenge to encourage participation, called 30 flights for 30 years. Volunteer Young Eagles pilots who fly 30 youths between August 1, 2022, and July 31, 2023, will be awarded a commemorative polo shirt. It's a great way to signal your commitment to the future of aviation, and have a lot of fun.
To kick off the "30 for 30" challenge, Sporty's hosted a Young Eagles rally this past weekend. Staff from EAA headquarters in Oshkosh joined three pilots from Sporty's to fly over 30 kids. It was a perfect day to fly and there were plenty of smiles from both kids and pilots.

As any Young Eagles pilot knows, it takes a whole team to put on a successful event. From the chapter coordinators to the ground volunteers to the pilots, everyone comes together to put the focus on the kids. We had a great team at Sporty's

More than just a flight
The Young Eagles experience starts with a flight, but it's much more than just time in an airplane. After flying, kids are eligible for a host of benefits from EAA. This includes:
- Free EAA student membership
- Access to EAA AeroEducate, with aviation-themed activities for K-12
- Sporty's complete Learn to Fly Course—a $279 value, absolutely free
- Earn a free flight lesson after completing the first part of Sporty's course
- Apply for flight training scholarships
Learn more
Whether you're a pilot, a prospective Young Eagle, or a parent, there are plenty of ways to get involved:
- Volunteer to be a Young Eagles pilot
- Find a Young Eagles event near you
- Learn about the EAA flight plan for youth