Pilot Training+ Member Benefits

Start learning and saving

Thank you for joining Pilot Training+ from Sporty’s. You’re now a member of an exclusive club, with aviation’s best library of training courses, free shipping on thousands of products, exclusive savings, and so much more. We know you’re excited to get started, so here’s how to take advantage of all your member benefits.

Access to all Sporty's courses

Pilot Training+ unlocks Sporty’s complete video training library—over 50 hours of video with one subscription. From your first hour as a student pilot to advanced ratings like multiengine and aerobatics, Sporty’s has a course to help. Each one works on all your devices, from smartphone to laptop to TV. You’ll also automatically receive video updates and new courses as soon as they’re available.

Visit Sportys.com/MyCourses or download our Pilot Training app for iOS and Android, then sign in with your Sporty’s account.

Sporty's coursesLifetime subscription to Sporty's Learn to Fly Course

As a special bonus, members get lifetime access to our award-winning Learn to Fly Course. Whether you’re just learning to fly or simply staying current, this comprehensive learning tool is available even if your Pilot Training+ membership lapses.

Visit Sportys.com/MyCourses or download our Pilot Training app for iOS and Android, then sign in with your Sporty’s account.

Free shipping on pilot supplies from Sportys.com

Whether you’re buying a new flight bag or upgrading your panel, Pilot Training+ members receive free shipping every day of the year. For active pilots, this benefit can more than pay for the cost of membership. Limited to ground shipping in the Continental United States. Larger items that ship by truck are excluded.

Visit Sportys.com and sign in. The Pilot Training+ banner verifies you’re receiving free shipping.

Apply for $2500 flight training scholarships

A good pilot is always learning, so each year we award multiple $2500 flight training scholarships to Pilot Training+ members. These can be used for any type of training: primary, recurrent, add-on ratings, and more.

Visit Sportys.com and sign in. From the My Account page, click on the scholarship link to apply.

Dedicated customer service

Our team of pilots and flight instructors are on hand to answer your questions about flight training, help you pick the perfect headset, or assist in any other way we can. Pilot Training+ members have access to dedicated support.

Email PilotTraining@sportys.com to connect with a Pilot Training+ member specialist.

Monthly members-only content

As a member, you have access exclusive deals on top-rated pilot supplies, new product previews, and contests. Make sure you’re signed up for Sporty’s monthly Pilot Training+ email newsletter or text message updates.


Download Sporty's Pilot Training app for iOS devices or Android.

Posted in PIREPs