New FAA chart cycle starts this month

For decades, Sporty’s FAA chart subscription service has made it easy to fly with current charts, from VFR sectionals to IFR approach plates. Just tell us which charts you use and we will send you new charts every time they are updated. Our fast service means you’ll receive them before they become valid, and there is no additional charge for a subscription. You can update or stop your subscription at any time.

What's Changing

FAA sectionalStarting February 25, 2021, chart subscribers (and pilots everywhere) will notice an important change to the effective dates of charts. The FAA is shortening the update cycle for VFR charts to match the dates on IFR charts. This means that, whereas sectional charts used to be updated every six months, now all FAA charts will be updated every 56 days. 

That means more updates for VFR charts, so you'll need to buy a new sectional more often if you want the latest edition. Also, if you subscribe to IFR charts you'll now get your VFR charts at the same time.

This change does have some benefits, including more accurate charts and fewer NOTAMs. Because the data you see on the charts is more current, chart bulletins--interim updates that are easy to miss--should become rarer.

What You Need To Do

If you’re an existing chart subscriber, there is nothing to do. All your charts are still on subscription and we will still ship you new editions before they become active. If you'd like to make any changes, please contact Sporty's Customer Service team: or 513.735.9000.

If you’d like to buy a single chart or start a new subscription, please click here. We'll update our website every 56 days with the latest effective dates. You can buy charts from Sporty's with confidence--we always stock current editions. If you order by 5pm eastern on weekdays, we'll have your order on the way the same day.

Learn More

Details from AOPA >>

Read the FAA notice >>

Shop all FAA Charts >>



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