
Top 5 iPad Accessories For Pilots

The iPad has changed the way pilots fly, making it easier than ever to view a moving map, weight and balance data, in-flight weather, and more. But to get all those features, you'll need a few accessories. Here is our list of the top five must-have products for anyone flying with a tablet.

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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

How to log and debrief flights with Sentry Plus

How well did you fly your last traffic pattern or instrument approach? Most pilots will respond with something vague: “pretty good” or “the outcome was never in doubt.” That might be enough for a quick logbook entry, but with some new tools it is now possible to be much more data-driven in your post-flight debriefing sessions. The result is improved pilot skills and safer flights. 

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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

Which iPad do I have?

If you're shopping for a mount or kneeboard you'll quickly have to answer the question, "which iPad do I have?" It's not as simple as it might sound, so if you're not sure which model you have, you're not alone. Please note that we loathe the naming convention Apple has chosen for the iPads as much as you do. It’s difficult to be sure which iPad you have but if you need to look that information up here’s how you do so.


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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

iPad Weather Receiver Buyer's Guide

The ability to view datalink weather on your iPad has been one of the most significant advancements in portable avionics in recent decades. Whether you fly with ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot, WingX, or FltPlan Go, you can now monitor NEXRAD radar, METARs, TAFs, TFRs and much more. But first you need to choose the right receiver. Use this guide to compare all the options, from ADS-B to SiriusXM satellite weather, and find the best fit for your flying.


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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

Stratus Flight Data Recorder Contest

Share your track log and get entered to win a $200 Sporty’s Gift Card!

Stratus is the most powerful ADS-B receiver you can buy, delivering in-flight weather, traffic, GPS position, and backup attitude to ForeFlight. Stratus also includes a flight data recorder, which automatically logs all of your flights, complete with GPS position and attitude. These track logs are a great way to review a training flight or relive a memorable trip, and can be viewed on ForeFlight’s website or in the CloudAhoy app.

Now your track logs could win you a $200 Sporty’s Gift Card and other prizes. Just share your most interesting flight with us: your first solo, a flight to Oshkosh, the perfect S-turn, a unique instrument approach, or whatever else you found memorable.


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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

Apps for every pilot

Sporty's is well-known for offering the finest pilot supplies, and you probably also know about our video training courses. But did you know that our team of app developers has released over 30 aviation apps? Here are some stats from the last year, plus a look at all the different options we offer.


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Posted in PIREPs and iPad

SiriusXM subscription options are surprisingly flexible

SiriusXM's new aviation receiver, the SXAR1, is an affordable way to add high quality weather to your iPad. One of the major differences between the SXAR1 and ADS-B receivers like the Stratus is that SiriusXM weather is delivered by satellites, so it's available at all altitudes and all across the United States. That means it requires a subscription, but most pilots don't know that SiriusXM offers some flexible subscription plans. Here are some options to consider.


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Posted in PIREPs and iPad