Honeycomb Bravo configuration for X-Plane 11

The Honeycomb Bravo throttle is an amazingly capable hardware piece that, once configured correctly, leads the pack in flight sim throttle options. Offering six customizable levers, each with designated detents, plus a tension dial is appealing in itself. For even more training value, it also includes a trim wheel, gear lever with indicator lights, an annunciator panel with seven two-way switches, a flaps lever, and lastly, subtle yet dynamic autopilot controls. It’s easy to argue that the Honeycomb Bravo is one of the most powerful add-ons available for today’s digital pilots. 

The downside of all these options is that it can be intimidating to program all the commands and levers to operate as we would like. For that reason, the flight simulation department at Sporty’s put together a configuration map for running the Honeycomb Bravo with X-Plane 11. We cover how to configure the throttle for single engine GA, single engine GA complex, multi-engine GA, two-engine jet, and four-engine jet aircraft. It is advised to confirm that the Honeycomb Bravo is configured with levers in the indicated positions for each setting to avoid faulty command settings. 

X-Plane Default Settings

X-Plane GA Settings 

X-Plane airplane options


X-Plane Jet Engine Settings

X-Plane 11 airline options

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Posted in PIREPs and Flight simulator