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Want to add a little aviation twist to your next Zoom call or iPhone homescreen? Check out our collection of free wallpapers. Click on an image below for full size.
Posted in PIREPs
Whether you’re a flight instructor making flying safer and enriching the experience of new pilots, or a professional pilot helping corporations and nonprofits achieve their missions, Lightspeed wants to reward you for the hours you spend in the air, and the care and skills you exercise in your profession. That’s why Lightspeed offers a special rebate of $100 when you purchase a Zulu 3.
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It’s been four years since Garmin launched the aera 660, and some pilots have been wondering whether the avionics giant would ever develop another portable aviation GPS. Their electronic flight bag app, Garmin Pilot, has won thousands of fans over the years and their wireless weather receivers, like the GDL 52, are found in everything from 172s to Citations. Are those products the only option now? This week Garmin answered with an emphatic “no,” by introducing the impressive aera 760. We’ve been using it for a few weeks now and we like what we’ve seen.
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Many lives have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic and the aviation community has been hit particularly hard. Flight and ground instructors are without students and may be facing an additional hardship when it comes to renewing their flight instructor certificates. That’s why Sporty’s is pleased to offer its online eFIRC FREE as a convenient, effective, online renewal option.
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Vedant “Vedu” Ruia, of Tampa, FL, is the latest recipient of a $2,500 scholarship awarded through his membership in Sporty’s Flight Crew program. Ruia recently earned his Private Pilot certificate from Atlas Aviation at the Peter O. Knight Airport (KTPF) near Tampa. He currently pilots a Colt Super Pelican light sport airplane based at the Tampa North Aero Park (X39).
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The Sun ‘n Fun Fun Aerospace Expo may be canceled this year, but Sporty’s is trying to help pilots get in the spring flying spirit while they’re at home. This week we're offering a variety of remote learning options, savings on popular pilots supplies, and even the chance to virtually ride along with airshow pilot Patty Wagstaff via YouTube.
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Sporty’s test pilots search high and low for the best pilot supplies available, and when we can’t find a product that meets our stringent standards, we develop one that does. Sporty’s offers a huge selection of flight training tools, headsets, avionics and more—the gear you use every day to plan flights, keep the cockpit organized, and have fun in the airplane. Many are tried-and-true classics that have proven to be effective cockpit resources for years, plus new products that we’ve developed, tested and approved for inclusion in Sporty’s Pilot Shop.
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Fire extinguishers and their ratings can get pretty confusing for those of us who have never had to use one and are simply looking to purchase one for our aircraft “just in case.” What is the difference between the types of extinguishing agents? What about the ratings? Which one works best for you? We'll offer some pilot-to-pilot advice in this article.
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Josh Calley of Honeoye Falls, NY, is the latest recipient of a $2,500 scholarship awarded through his membership in Sporty’s Flight Crew program. Josh has accumulated about 40 hours of flying experience and is nearing the completion of his Private pilot training. He is flying a Diamond DA40 through OnCore Aviation at the Greater Rochester International Airport (KROC).
Posted in PIREPs
One of the best parts of our jobs here at Sporty's is meeting all the passionate, creative pilots who invent new products. We love to test crazy ideas and partner with fellow pilots to bring new concepts to market. In fact, almost everything we sell was created by an aviation enthusiast, whether it's a single person with a vision or a large company packed with pilots. To celebrate these pilot-entrepreneurs, here's another installment in our series called "The Pilots Behind the Products."
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