A photo of Chris Clarke

Chris Clarke

Chris caught the aviation bug at the age of seven when he was able to sit in the cockpit of a 737 between flights, thanks to his aunt working at a large airline. Countless balsa wood flyers and multi-stage rockets later, he enrolled in the Aviation Technology Program at the University of Cincinnati and successfully turned a fascination into a career. “One of my most memorable flights was flying my dad to a local airport with a restaurant just off the ramp known for their generously portioned ribs. I’ll never forget that day with passenger #1.” As the Director of Search Marketing at Sporty’s, Chris is tasked with managing online advertising and search engine optimization but he still loves to search for new products.

Ace your FAA Knowledge Test: how to use Test Prep in Sporty's Courses

Sporty's Learn to Fly/Instrument Rating course has all the tools you need to prepare for the FAA Knowledge Test (sometimes called the written test). We'll even give you the flight instructor endorsement to take the test automatically—just watch all the video segments and pass two practice tests with a score of 80% or better. However, studying for the Knowledge Test without a good plan can be time-consuming and frustrating. Here's our advice for getting started the right way.

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Posted in PIREPs and Courses

Top 10 products for fly-in season

Attending a fly-in should be on every pilot's to-do list. It's a great way to stay fresh on cross country flight planning and gives you an excuse to go fly. Make sure you do your homework and check for NOTAMs, as large gatherings of aircraft usually call for special arrival procedures. Even if you can't make it to Oshkosh, try to find a regional EAA or AOPA fly-in and go rub shoulders with some fellow aviators for a while. Before departing on a fly-in adventure, be sure to stock up on these must-have supplies.


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Posted in PIREPs