Apps for every pilot

Over 50,000 downloads

That's how many pilots, from students to experienced ATPs, tried a Sporty's app last year. One reason so many pilots fly with Sporty's apps is that we offer such a broad range. Whether you're learning to fly, getting current or looking for an everyday tool, we have an app that can help.


1000 written test endorsements

Our Learn to Fly app is a complete resource for student pilots, with over 20 hours of video, written test prep questions, a training syllabus and more. When you've completed the course, our CFIs will give you the endorsement to go take the written test - which we did for nearly 1000 pilots last year!

Learn to Fly course

We also offer a complete course for pilots working on an instrument rating.

Instrument rating app


57 app updates

We are continuously updating our apps to add new features and make sure content is up to date - 57 in all last year. Three of our most important updates last year included:

FAR/AIM - This update added all the new regulations and updates from the FAA, including the new Part 107 drone rules.

FAR/AIM app by Sporty's

Flight Review - Completely overhauled, this popular app features new HD video, updated review questions, and new reference documents. It's the perfect refresher course.

Flight Review app

Study Buddy - For years, these apps have been the fast and easy way to prepare for an FAA written test. We are always adding new questions and removing old ones - so you study only the essential questions. Available for Recreational, Sport, Private, Instrument, and Commercial.

Study Buddy App


New apps for new markets

In addition to updates, the app team at Sporty's is always working on new apps as well. In late 2016 we launched our newest Study Buddy - this one for drone pilots. If you're studying for the Remote Pilot written test, there's no faster or easier way to prepare. 

Drone Study Buddy


Learn new technology

If you're transitioning into a glass cockpit airplane, or you just want to learn the latest tips for flying with an electronic flight bag, we have you covered.

Flying with ForeFlight - Everything you need to know about aviation's #1 in-flight app. Updated to cover the latest features in version 8.

Flying with ForeFlight app

Garmin G1000 Checkout - Ten years on, this is still the most popular glass cockpit. We walk you through the basics, plus advanced tips on instrument approaches and the GFC 700 autopilot.

Garmin G1000 checkout

Flying the Aspen Evolution - Learn the ins and outs of this popular avionics system, from initial setup to customized PFD layouts.

Aspen app


Add a rating

Looking to add a rating? We have a complete set of four apps to help you transition to a new type of flying.

So You Want To Fly Twins - Learn more than just the basics with this in-depth course on the finer points of multi-engine flying.

So you want to fly twins app

So You Want To Fly Seaplanes - Travel to the famous Jack Brown's Seaplane Base in Florida for some lessons in a Piper J-3 Cub on floats.

So you want to fly seaplanes

So You Want To Fly Gliders - Detailed animations make complicated aerodynamic topics simpler, and renowned glider instructor Bob Wander adds his unique insights.

So you want to fly gliders

So You Want To Fly Helicopters - Transition to rotary wing flight with this fast-paced video app. From aerodynamics to emergency procedures, it's all here.

so you want to fly helicopters app


Improve communication skills

VFR Communications - Learn the fundamentals of good communication, then ride along for some real world examples.

VFR Communications app

IFR Communications - IFR flying involves a lot talking on the radio. This app offers video tips, quizzes, and reference documents to improve your confidence.

IFR Communications app


Apple Watch apps

Making apps these days means more than just iPhone and iPad. Our E6B app works on those popular platforms, but it also runs on Apple Watch. We recently updated it so the app runs natively on the watch, making it faster and easier to use.

E6B app watch


Daily companion

Last but not least, 2016 saw the release of our most ambitious app to date. Takeoff is your daily companion, with video tips, articles, quizzes, podcasts, news, and photos. It's a great way to stay sharp in between flights and learn about the latest aviation technology. It's free to download and get started; go pro for $59.99/year.

Takeoff app





Posted in PIREPs and iPad